E-Field Radial Charge (EFR Charge)

Project manager: Anton Vdovichenko
Project manager: Anton Vdovichenko

Technology of wireless transmission of electric energy based on electric field resonance.


The wireless transmission/reception module makes it possible to charge moving devices. This solves the problem of wireless charging of available now and future mobile unmanned systems.


The module is based on the technology that uses electric field resonance and on the principles invented by Nikola Tesla. The technology has received a new impetus with the advent of modern elements and new discoveries.


The E-Field Radial Charge technology enables charging the batteries of devices moving in any direction, and opens up possibilities for true autonomy of mobile equipment.


 The project web page at the Competition of Startups “Sikorsky Challenge 2020”: https://startups-2020.sikorskychallenge.com/2020/09/project-44.html